Quick status update

In News by Daniel Sun15 Comments

This is the year of Armed with Wings! Currently there are 3 Armed with Wings projects brewing… I’ll list them in order of release.

Armed with Wings Survival game (working title)
Choose a characters, select a battlefield, smash tons of enemies! The game will feature multiple characters, multiplayer/co-op of some capacity, survival mode and other varied game modes (think event matches in smash bros). Aiming for a march release.

Armed with Wings Collection
Replay the original games with shinny new graphics! More levels, better performance, less bugs + bonuses!!!! No release date planned just yet.

Armed with Wings (THE BIG ONE)
More on this later. But here is a new speed painting video!

Hope this give this site a facelift soon.

That’s all.


  1. Nice to hear that a releasing is coming up and that these updates are coming in regularly!

    By the way, is Red Moon going to be in the Collection? It’s understandable if it’s not considering how much work refined cutscenes would have to take, but I’m pretty sure that a couple of us are more than curious.

    As always, keep up the awesome work!

    Side note: If you’re looking for free, indie music, look at Cyber Rainforce’s work. It’s one of the better ones in the Japanese gaming community.


    1. Author

      Thanks for the link to the music! I’ll check it out. I’m unsure about RedMoon being in the collection at this stage. Will need to suss out a few legal things. But that’s for reading and commenting! I’ll try my best to keep updating the site often!

      1. I would like to know if this is a dead site or if the production of armed with wings has ceased because there has not been activity on this site since March. Also the quick states update says that armed with wings survival game is coming out n march. It is June! I suspect that when you said that when you were aiming for a march release I assumed that you meant 2014 or did you mean 2015. Please create another quick states update.

        1. My thoughts precisely!! Can’t wait to play the new games. Hope there are characters from Contrast too. Please keep the status update page “updated”!! 😀

  2. Great to finally see an update!

    I am a huge fan of the Armed with Wings franchise. As a fan, and I’m sure others would agree, it would be nice to hear from you more often.

    Keep up the good work!

    Also, is the “big” AwW supposed to be the reboot to the series?

    1. Author

      Hey Adam,

      The BIG ONE is a sorrttt of reboot… but more accurately it’s the entire AwW universe in a game. From the beginning of the world to the end, everything will be in there.

      1. I’m a big fan too of your awesome work!
        Now I’m waiting for the big one!
        … and waiting for the survival game… xD

  3. What program do you use for your art? I don’t recognize it.
    Everything about this is really cool.

  4. Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    I would like to know if this is a dead site or if the production of armed with wings has ceased because there has not been activity on this site since March. Also the quick states update says that armed with wings survival game is coming out n march. It is June! I suspect that when you said that when you were aiming for a march release I assumed that you meant 2014 or did you mean 2015. Please create another quick states update.

  5. Hi! Please, make a collection for Android/iOS devices, I think more people are waiting for it! keep up the good work, guys!

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