Rearmed Desktop Wallpaper

In News by Daniel Sun6 Comments

Celebrate the launch of Armed with Wings: Rearmed on Steam by decorating your PC in one of these breathtaking wallpaper designs!

Armed with Wings is launching very soon. I’m preparing an exciting new trailer for the occasion that will feature a super-cool animated segment. Furthermore, the full release launch date will also be announced in the trailer. Stay tuned for announcements in the coming weeks.


The Armed with Wings Thunderclap campaign needs your support. Thunderclap is like a social media spiritbomb. I need everyones power to make the bomb as big as possible! Support the Armed with Wings Thunderclap campaign.


  1. Oh boy. It’s finally here. The final stretch of the development. To be honest, I haven’t played Rearmed in a little bit. However, this post and new site brings back my motivation. Time to speedrun it again! Great job as always, Dan.

    1. Author

      Glad you like the new Site Alex! Rearmed as come a long way through Early Access. V1.0 is big!

  2. I’ve been enjoying this game series since I’m in primary school, thanks Daniel, one of your huuuuuge fans.
    Rearmed is damn awesome.

    1. Author

      It’s been my pleasure! Stay tuned to the site because more news is coming 🙂

  3. Hey! I am a huge fan of Armed with Wings, always have been. The art style is the best thing ever!
    I will definitely be using one of those wallpapers on my laptop, but it would be so awesome if I could have one for my IPhone too. Do you think there might be any of those in the making? *crosses fingers*

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